Beberapa hari yang lalu setelah gue nonton NBA post-game conference Heats vs Sixers, gue jadi inget kata-kata dari beberapa pelatih gw dulu mulai dari SMP sampai sebelum gue pensiun tahun 2008 di IBL. Dari sekian banyak pelatih hebat yg pernah pegang gue sebagai pemain, gue ringkas kata-kata mereka di Twitter kemarin dengan pake hashtag #PelatihGue . Enjoy the read. Mari….
“Gue gak butuh pemain yg jago, gue butuh pemain yg dewasa!” #PelatihGue
“If you even think of quitting, just look at all those people around you who will not quit on you.” #PelatihGue
“Gak masalah loe bergaya dalam bermain asal loe bermain melaui sistem/koridor yg gue udh ajarin.. Silahkan explore
permainan loe.” #PelatihGue
“Remember that there is life after basketball. Always strive for the best that you can be.” #PelatihGue
“Wasit adalah manusia, jangan komplain kayak banci ke wasit. Itu tugas gue.” #PelatihGue
“Remember all those hours of tears, sweat and pain during practice. Now its time to party during this game.” #PelatihGue
“Jangan pernah takut atau ngeremehin lawan loe.” #PelatihGue
“Kalo loe semua gak mau main defense, loe semua gak pantes main di tim ini..” #PelatihGue
“Lo jogging, stretching, skipping(pemanasan); trs Latian bersama tim;Abis itu lo naik tangga, skipping, stretching(cooling down).” #PelatihGue
“Run the floor!” #PelatihGue
“Have the attack mindset on offense and defense.” #PelatihGue
“Run to your teammates & help them up if they fell down on the floor after a hustle, they’re hurting or made a great play.” #PelatihGue
“Look at your teammates in the eye, we cover for another. We lose, I lose, we win, you win.” #PelatihGue
“Guys, defense will win us championships! Offense is for your picture in the papers. Rebounds will win us games. Remember that. ” #PelatihGue
“Who’s a better team, we are! I ask u again, who! We are!” #PelatihGue
“Selalu ingat, kita main untuk nama yg di depan baju loe, bukan untuk nama yg di belakang.” #PelatihGue
“Kita 1 tim! Bukan 2-3 tim. We’re one team.” #PelatihGue
“Jangan begadang, percuma loe latian seminggu jaga fisik kalo loe begadang.” #PelatihGue
“Main defense harus berisik. Jangan kayak di kuburan..” #PelatihGue
“Gue yakin loe semua mau menang! Tunjukin ke orang2 loe mau menang!” #PelatihGue
“Kita harus attack sekarang! Loe bisa istirahat di offense, jangan pernah istirahat di defense.” #PelatihGue
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